
Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Paper Witches

These witches are brilliant! Originally found on

You will need:

~ Printer
~ Glue
~ Scissors
~ Decorating materials (colouring pens/pencils/crayons, paints, glitter, stickers etc.)


1) Print out the template of choice (there's a small version and a larger version).
2) Colour pieces, as necessary (we coloured after gluing)
3) Cut out the pieces.  This step may require adult assistance. 
4) Glue the witch together as follows:
  • glue the head on top of the hat
  • glue the hair on top of the head
  • glue the yellow star onto the hat
  • glue the put together head onto the dress
  • glue the pumpkin, frog or cat (your choice) onto the center of the chest
  • glue the arms onto the dress, overlapping the pumpkin, frog or cat so it looks like the witch is hugging it
  • glue the legs under the dress.
Templates can be found here
This craft is suitable for 2 1/2 years +

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